Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Aaaaah, mornings

Here in our household, we get up early. Really early. Stinkin' early. 5:06am to be exact. Ok, ok, we snooze a bit, but we're up waaaaaaay before 5:30. Last night, a late-night phone call kept us up past midnight, so (yawn) 5:06 came earlier than usual this morning!

The good thing about getting up so early is that Chase is usually not up until after 7-8am. So, divine hubby leaves for work around 6ish and I get a little time to myself. It's quiet - even though the rest of the country has been up for hours, no one calls us until at least 9, so the phone doesn't ring, no one comes to visit, and it's perfectly acceptable for me to be in my pj's in front of the computer.

When you're a mom, you understand the value of words like quiet. solitude. silence. My day is filled to the brim with game playing, activities, swimming and all of those other pesky things like housework and cooking highly-nutritious meals :). So, I am sitting here, sipping my chai tea, looking out at our beautiful backyard and enjoying the silence. I know all too well that it won't last for long!


Anonymous said...

You make me feel bad about being woken up at 9:00am by a neighbor trying to play his guitar on an electric amp outside underneath my bedroom window!!! I suppose it could have been worse - he could have been playing it at 5:30am! Yikes - it makes me tired just thinking about getting up at that time.


Miz C (and Burton) said...

I'm more of an 8:30ish kind of gal. I made sure I bought a clock that doesn't have 5:06 a.m. on it!!!!