Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cleanse...Day 4

Yesterday, I had an incredible burst of energy that lasted all day! I took a 5 mile bike ride, took Rusty for a walk around the block, then came home and cleaned for 4 hours. Cleaned like, moved the couch and vacuumed behind it, kind of cleaned. Took the light bulbs out of the fixtures and cleaned the fixtures, kind of cleaned. Using the bleach pen to get the red wine out of the grout, kind of cleaned. I didn't get around to cleaning the soap scum off of the glass shower walls, but maybe today...

We went to church last night, and in our class, someone brought CAKE. Two kinds of CAKE. Now, if you know me, I love all things carb-y and sugar-y, and CAKE is high high high on that list. OOOHHH, CCCCAAAAKKKKEEE. :) But, I digress...

I didn't eat it.

Oh, I wanted to!

But, I didn't.

I don't have any willpower, especially when it comes to something like CCCAAAKKKEEE, so it of course did occur to me that "one bite couldn't hurt!" But, this cleanse is truly making me feel good. Even great, I might say. And I know that no matter how much my mouth loves CAKE, my tummy does not. And I don't want to feel yucky anymore now that I remember how great great feels. I'm sure I will eat CAKE again in the future, but I've invested nearly 96 hours into this thing, and I'd sure like to see it all the way through.

So, my tongue is still white and furry, the salt water went down even easier this morning, and I'm well into my first serving of cayenne lemonade.

Now, I have to take my car into the shop AGAIN (I think my mechanic is secretly sabotaging it to continue my business...) so it should be easy not to eat while I'm sitting in his dirty garage reading my book. Of course, today will be the day he gets Krispy Kreme or something...


Anonymous said...

It's really incredible that you have so much energy subsisting on essentially, water and sugar. That's crazy! But I'm glad it's working for you.

STQ said...

Actually, that is what I thought as well, until I read about maple syrup. It's real maple syrup (organic, grade B, costs a fortune at Whole Foods) which has all kinds of nutrients in it - who knew?? There are people who do this cleanse for 20-30 days in a row. I'm not that crazy, but this has been lots easier than I thought it would be for sure!! I'm down 5.5 pounds too...some water weight, I'm sure, but there have been other (ahem) deductions as well which is REAL weight gone!! :)

Vegetable House said...

I am totally going to do it to. You inspire me!
