Monday, September 15, 2008


Friday evening, Divine Hubby said something weird.

DH: Oh, by the way, my boss wants to take us out to breakfast tomorrow morning.
STQ: K...why?
DH: I don't know - he just asked what we were doing tomorrow and said he wants to meet for breakfast.
STQ: Just him?
DH: Yep.
STQ: K. That's kinda random.

So, Saturday morning, I got up at 7:30, showered and got dressed and we all left at 8:30 to drive to Henderson to breakfast.

We walked into the restaurant and DH said he was going to look for his boss. So, Chase and I hung out in line a little bit, me feeling like this was kinda weird.

All of a sudden, a very familiar face peeked around the corner. No, not Divine Hubby's boss (not sure I would recognize him, truth be told), but my friend Mary from Denver! Now, several of our Denver friends are coming for a visit in October, so at first, I was confused...

Is it October? How could it be October? Where is her husband? Is Beth here too? What the HECK is going on???

Then, I was delighted...

What? She is here to visit me? For a whole weekend? Just to see me??? :)

Then, I felt loved.

You know when someone shows up, and you know exactly who they are (and you are thrilled to see them), but they are in the wrong place (like, oh, say, 700 miles away from where they live), and you just can't quite figure out what is happening!

They surprised me (not easy to do, mind you) - Mary came in to visit for a weekend. And we have had a ball! Last night, she and I went to see Stomp, which was amazing. And, we have talked and laughed and made martinis, and generally enjoyed each other. What a great surprise!


Anonymous said...

You are loved for sure! I am glad you were surprised!

Anonymous said...

That's Awesome! What a great friend :)

Vegetable House said...

Did it have anything to do with the big 4-oh?


STQ said...

4-0h yeah, it was a surprise for my birthday!

Anonymous said...

See?! Turning 40 isn't so bad. Now wait until you turn 65 and go on Medicare. That's not so bad either, but I hope that all you "youngsters" keep on working so I can go to the doctor 5 days a week.